Bilog BilogCalacaMacalenonMind Of The EarthPhilippinesSanto TomasTiaong

Dear members in the Philippines

santo tomas

Mind of the Earth has been active in the Philippines for more than 10 years now, and it is now the third year since we siblings who took over began to be involved. We started it relying only on trust and continue. It is always difficult to derive the best idea for you from a few experiences with a short stay of 1-2 times a year while working. Especially, we have had many experiences that  a small setback  leads to a large loss in a plan that requires a medium- to long-term perspective, . This is really regrettable to me. You call us bosses, but as i wrote, it doesn’t need a hierarchical relationship between us. I would like you to set aside the distorted psychological pressure of economic support once and then consider to survive for the next two years.

In Japan, it will probably takes two years at least for the farm plan in Nagano Prefecture until take root. In addition, we expect that the effects of the covid-19 will be related to the transformation of the economy, distribution, and values throughout the few years. It was new ten years ago that the ideals you and my father envisioned. And you all have survived many challenges and crises. Now, similar to this ideal is being realized in various parts of the world, and the new generation is growing up having the eyes to look the benefits and the darkness. It is a thing should be passed down to the next generation that your ability and experience to feel the changes in the environment through the skin. For example, You  are who know the morning dew from  Mt.Makiling, which is already lost in the city. And I believe that you should teach younger people how it works for the circulation of environment when it will appear again on the city with more sustainable systems in the future. Also, the world the next generation see, and construct may be going to take you farther place than you expect. It’s a difficult time, but let’s broaden our horizons looking ahead and continue without giving up.


Mind of the Earthはすでに10年以上フィリピンにおいて活動し、引き継いだ私たち兄弟も関わり始めてから3年目に入ります。信頼関係だけを頼りに初め、今もそれを継続しています。働きながら訪れる年に1-2度の短期滞在で、少ない経験をもとにあなた方にとってのベストを導き出すのは難しく、特に中長期的視野が必要な計画では些細な挫折が大きな損失につながるという経験を何度もしました。これが本当に心残りです。あなた方は私たちをボスと呼びますが、我々の間に上下関係は必要ない。経済支援の歪な心理的圧力はいったん脇に置いて、この先2年間を生き延びることを考えて欲しいです。日本では長野県での農場計画が少しずつ始まり、定着するまでに2年はかかると思います。また、新型コロナウイルスによる影響は年いっぱいそして尾を引きずる形で来年以降も経済・流通・ものの価値観の変換に関わると予想しています。あなた方が描いた理想は10年前には新しく、困難と危機を何度も乗り越えて継続されていました。今、この理想と同じようなことが世界の各地で実現されつつあり、新しい世代はその恩恵や闇の部分を見つめる目を持ちながら育っています。環境の変化を肌で感じることができるあなた方の能力と経験は、次の世代にも受け継がれるべきものです。そして彼らが感じ取る時代の今や世界の流れは、あなた方を予想よりも遠くへ運んでくれるはずです。辛く厳しい時期ですが、視野を広め、先を見据えて諦めずに進んでいきましょう。

Author: Mariko Atsumi


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