Mind Of The Earth

Dear my brothers in the Philippines

I’m really grateful and impressed by your attitude that always taking care to keep others at home and make a comfortable stay. You all had a lot of opportunities  to be with Japanese people since you were little. Since Mind of the Earth’s activities have already been going on for about 10 years, I guess if it has became already a kind of parts of your life more than just your parents’ profession. Personally, It is a little complicated feeling to think how degree your lives have been affected by the activities. It was one of the reasons I asked you to write articles. Because I thought it would be a good way to bring objectivity into your life in a sense, in addition to the purpose I wrote above.

It’s not easy to express what you are thinking or doing, but I think that there are some things you can notice by taking a step back. It’s always linked to your outer world even if it’s inside of you that your feelings or questions . I think accessing it will deepen and spread you. If you  can think to keep trying, please try interviewing people and quoting articles. I’ll give you tips if you have trouble with the theme. Also, I want you to tell me too, when you want to quit. We would like to discuss and progress on an equal footing with you.

I think that it’s already amazing that your sociability and hospitality. You can speak English as well as Tagalog and you are great to communicate even with first-time guests. And you all can care always to people stay comfort. It’s not like everyone can do. Also, I think it is something to be proud that the works and way of human being that your parents have built up. I don’t know what you will do in the future, but we always hope you all have a lot of options. 


小さい頃から日本人と関わり、他人を家に上げて心地よく滞在できるよういつも気を配ってくれたあなた方には本当に感謝していますし、その態度にはいつも感服していました。Mind of the Earthの活動自体はすでに10年ほど継続しているため、あなた方にとっては親の職業以上に生活の一部であり、その活動如何で大きく影響を受けてしまうことには複雑な思いです。私があなた方に記事を書くように頼んだのは、上に書いたような目的の他に、その生活に客観性を持ち込んではどうかと思ったところもあります。自分が思っていること、やっていることを表現するということは簡単ではありませんが、一歩引いてみることで気付く何かもあるはずです。あなたの気持ちや疑問は必ずあなたの外側の世界とリンクしています。そこへアクセスすることはあなた自身を深め、広めてくれると思います。もし、今後も続けてみようと思うなら、いろんな人へのインタビューや記事の引用を試みてください。テーマに困るならヒントを出します。辞めたいと思ったときは、それも伝えて欲しいです。話し合い、対等に進めていきたいと思います。


Author: Mariko Atsumi


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