(from my point of view)
今回は、Mind of the Earthの目的と活動について、書こうと思います。この記事は子どもたち、新たなメンバーになってくれるかも知れない方々、そしてすでに同じような目的で活動されている方々へ向けて書くつもりです。理想を追求するには時間のかかります。私たちは、隣人や次の世代と協力することが不可欠な活動をしてでも、それを実現していきたいのです。
Thank you for coming our blog always. I’m thinking to try explaining about the purpose and activities of Mind of the Earth in this time.
I will write this for children, people who can be new members and people who try already the similar activities. Because I think that our ideal need cooperations from neighbors and the second generation to aim it. And we believe it has a value to do that even if it takes a time.
Purpose of establishment as Mind of the Earth:
Mind of the Earthでは、具体的な活動目的は固定していません。それは基本的に各メンバーが定めるもので、職業や思想の違う各々がその活動において軸とするものです。その代わりに、メンバーとして、外してはいけない点という物は存在します。
To be, to connect and to nurture persons who have a conscious line of sight to the global environment, which is the basis of life, and persons who can promote individual independence and mutual cooperation.
Mind of the Earth has no fixed purpose of activity. It is basically decided by each member, and each different profession and thought is the axis in its activity. Instead, as a member, there are things that must not be removed.
外してはいけない点(目標)/Points that must not be removed (goal):
・Consider the natural environment such as water, soil, and light, and pass them on to the next generation in better condition.
・Do not use violent/exclusive/less responsible expressions to win disagreements between people.
・Aiming for a living environment where individuals can become independent and live more comfortably
・Participating in help among members
例えば、このネットワークを利用して儲けるぞ!という目的で参加しても問題なく、そういう経済的な勘のある方が上記目標を達成しながら成功したらそれは素敵なモデルになります。そうして参加者が増え、拠点が広がり、ネットワークが強固になれば一つの社会モデルにもなり得ますが、そこに上下の差や固定された役割は存在しません。その有機性がMind of the Earthが目指す理想的な在り方であり、それ故に私たちは組織を名乗る必要がないのです。Mind of the Earthは一つの姿勢であり、共通の態度と捉えることもできるかもしれません。
For example, It’s no problem if you participate for the purpose that “use this network to make money!” And if someone with such financial intuition achieves the above goals and succeeds, it will be a nice model.If the number of participants increases, the bases expand, and the network strengthens, it can become a social model. But, we have no hierarchical relationship or fixed role between bases. that organicity is the ideal Mind of the Earth, and we don’t have to call it an organization. Mind of the Earth is an attitude, which may be considered a common attitude based on the goal.
The ideal activity we want to achieve:
- 農業
- 拠点の展開
- Agriculture
Agriculture is the basis of food. The impact of this activity on the environment is enormous. We aim to increase the number of farmers who can consciously tackle the problems accumulated over the past 100 years, such as farmland that is being lost in residential land development and soil that has become difficult to use due to large doses of pesticides. We will create a mechanism to generate income properly, and increase the number of people who are naturally involved in soil and water, even if they are not farmers. We aim to create such a cycle.
- Expansion of bases
The realization of the ideal preached by all religions such as “respecting others” is really difficult. BLM, which has become the biggest movement of the year, shows not only past history but also present issues. In order to see things from the other person’s point of view rather than from your own values, I think that changing your standing position is also a way. We try to develop a base where each member accepts the stay of others as much as possible, is involved in life and activities, and can share strengths and weaknesses. We aim to be an opportunity to exist in all cultures and come into contact with different cultures in exchange for labor and expenses during the stay.
Well, there are already too many people, and there are a lot of people doing it individually, but if I have to say the feature of this activity, I think it is a recognition as a “member”, and that to be built in the trust relationship by making it a mechanism that consists of introductions between members.
![light in the dark](https://i1.wp.com/sanrix.jp/mote-jp/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/DSCF0155.jpg?resize=1024%2C768)
Mind of the Earthの今/Recent situation
Currently, the bases are located in Japan and in the Philippines. Most of the members in the Philippines are people involved in agriculture, so this website also focuses on agriculture and livestock, but in reality, we are not focusing on primary industries such as agriculture to gathering members.
Origin of activities in the Philippines:
もともと別NPO団体の植林活動がきっかけでフィリピンに行った私の父と、現地の友人たちが立ち上げたのがMind of the Earthです。NPO時代、日本式農業を気候や環境の違うフィリピンで「教育」「普及」しようとしたものの、現地の方の勘や経験に勝る物はないと実感したそうです。分裂・崩壊したNPOで関わっていたフィリピン人も離散する中、父と友人が目指したのは彼らの得意とする方法での生産・流通の確立によって彼らの生計を成り立たせること。フィリピンに息づく小農文化を、F1種の流通や大規模プランテーションなど大企業・他国の影響で失われてしまわないように守ることでした。
Mind of the Earth was started by my father and his friends who meet in the Philippines for the forestation activity of another NPO organization. In the NPO era, he tried to “educate” and “disseminate” Japanese-style agriculture in the Philippines, which has a different climate and environment. But he realized that there was nothing better than the intuition and experience of the local people to grow life up on the land. After the NPO were split and collapsed, what my father and friends aimed for was to establish their livelihood by establishing production and distribution in the way they were good at. It is to protect the small farming culture that still alive in the Philippines so that it would not be lost due to the influence of large companies and other countries such as the distribution of F1 species and large-scale plantations.
フィリピンの拠点/bases in The Philippines:
The production bases are scattered at least 2 hours away from Manila. These areas look like livestock such as pigs and goats are carried out at even each household, and forests or even a lot of fruit trees such as bananas and rambutans are also planted in areas along the main road. Therefore, I feel that the circumstance is very close with plants and animals in ordinary life.
While development is progressing and the number of residential areas is increasing, I feel that the lack of awareness regarding hygiene and environmental considerations is gradually threatening their lives. The high circulation ability of the land is attractive, so it looks like you will be able to achieve an ideal cultivation cycle if you can get closer to it. But the reality is not so easy…
(Click here if you want to see each site)
Current activity status:
- 農業生産
- 農業体験
- 拠点滞在
- Agricultural production
Although the production was managed in spite of being unstable, due to the eruption of the Taal volcano or the pandemic of the covid-19, local farmers are front in the hard situation now. They try to producing crops to just gain cash, or have to go to Manila to work.
- Farming experience
It is possible to accept in the Philippines. But it is suspended for the same reason. The development of Japanese farms is just beginning.
- Base stay
It is possible in Santo Tomas, Philippines, and in the cooperative area, Bang Kong Kahoy Valley. But it is suspended for the same reason. In the future, we will actively consider mutual acceptance from other countries and regions if Japanese farms become stable.
フィリピンでの課題/Tasks in the Philippines:
・Creating a sales system for production
・Making of organic vegetables that has reached the global standard and creating a better livestock environment
Past situation leading to tasks:
They succeeded in producing organic vegetables and sales in Manila → Production became unstable due to troubles such as disasters and theft of watering hoses → Producing vegetables that can be cashed for life using a small amount of pesticide → This vicious circle have kept them away from the origin purpose, which to increasing the number of eco-friendly farmlands.
The customers who can buy organic vegetables with efforts are concentrated in the urban areas, and the cultivation bases are scattered from Manila over two hours. Also the local logistics system looks like not much safety and solid way to transferring the products. Still, we have tried to over the troubles by cultivate new agricultural land where has never used pesticides, or buy a car. But it is expected that it will take time to achieve the ideal.
Plans to improve issues:
- 販売ルートの模索
- 世界基準に達したオーガニック、より良い畜産環境の構築
次の世代になり得る人たちに仕事としてMind of the Earthに関係する記事を作成してもらい、その制作を通して広く情報を集め、学び、ウェブサイトやFacebookページを情報交換の場として活用してもらう。彼らが将来的にどんな道を選ぶにしても、その情報集取能力・表現力の向上は役に立つだろうし、蓄積された情報は販売においても一助になると考えています。
- Develop for sales routes
we have aimed to sell to the Japanese community and restaurants by taking advantage of their experiences of Japanese vegetable production. We planned to put the Japanese as an intermediary, but the covid-19 pandemic keeps traveling difficult
I would like to promote education by enriching contents using Facebook and cooperating with the “next generation” and aiming for local online sales and market development.
- Making crops by organic that has reached the world standard, and creating better livestock environment
It’s one of the most important things that learning what is the aim and what others are doing think necessary while keeping the current situation of reducing the use of pesticides that can be realized by themselves, and while having a broader perspective. We should consider that there were many plans that were unfinished even though it was near completion due to the priority that changed in daily life. It’s necessary that people who do the project at the area understand the importance of formulating and executing a plan from a long-term perspective. And how, it’s that using a time effectively.
→ This is the first small experiment. We plane to have next generation people create articles related to Mind of the Earth as work, gather information widely through their production, learn, and utilize websites and Facebook pages as places for information exchange get. No matter what path they choose in the future, it will be useful to improve their ability to collect and express information, and we believe that the accumulated information will be helpful for our community as well.
In Mind of the Earth, the result is also borne by the executor because the project is executed at each site. So that we keeps the premise that there is no hierarchy between us. And it means to hold all of the proposals at just a proposal level and leave the intention of execution to the base. I think it is necessary for every members to constantly reflect on what is prioritized and incorporated into the daily execution category, and continue to innovate.
Actually I’m not a farmer but I believe that it is worthwhile to achieve the original aspirations of protecting the seeds and protecting the environmental cycle that is at the very least rooted in it. So, I hope that the move to each accordingly to overcame this repeated crisis.
Author: Mariko Atsumi