Thanks to the benefits of the tropical climate, the vegetation cycle is much faster than in Japan. But agriculture here is also a battle against strong insects and strong humans. :p Note: it’s my point of view.
Origin of activities in the Philippines:
もともと別NPO団体の植林活動がきっかけでフィリピンに行った私の父と、現地の友人たちが立ち上げたのがMind of the Earthです。NPO時代、日本式農業を気候や環境の違うフィリピンで「教育」「普及」しようとしたものの、現地の方の勘や経験に勝る物はないと実感したそうです。分裂・崩壊したNPOで関わっていたフィリピン人も離散する中、父と友人が目指したのは彼らの得意とする方法での生産・流通の確立によって彼らの生計を成り立たせること。フィリピンに息づく小農文化を、F1種の流通や大規模プランテーションなど大企業・他国の影響で失われてしまわないように守ることでした。
Mind of the Earth was started by my father and local friends who originally met in the Philippines by the forestation activity of another NPO organization. In the NPO era, they tried to “educate” and “disseminate” Japanese agriculture in the Philippines even though which has a different climate and environment. But he realized that there was nothing better than the intuition and experience of the local people to get the best result. It is what he and friends aimed for when the NPO collapsed was that to establish their livelihood by establishing production and distribution in the way they were good at. My father hoped that It will protect the small farming culture that have taken root in the Philippines so that it would not be lost due to the influence of F1 seeds distribution and large-scale plantations from large companies or other countries.
Purpose of activity (for each location):
![santo tomas-pigs](https://i1.wp.com/sanrix.jp/mote-jp/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/107537758_2654921051412836_7668115958905250475_n.jpg?resize=960%2C720)
サントトーマス・ビロッグビロッグ/Santo Thomas, Bilog Bilog
Japanese vegetable by organic cultivation, Breeding of native pigs and chickens.
Final goal: Management of a restaurant that mainly uses the products of each members.
![macalelon rice](https://i0.wp.com/sanrix.jp/mote-jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/IMG_2867-e1540282685271.jpg?resize=860%2C645)
Production of Philippine vegetables and rice.
![tiaong eggplant](https://i0.wp.com/sanrix.jp/mote-jp/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/DSCF0013.jpg?resize=1024%2C768)
Japanese vegetable by organic cultivation
現地メンバーについて/About the members of the Philippines
They are professionals with a wealth of experience in producing Japanese vegetables because they participated in the activities of Japanese NPO groups originally. The production bases are scattered at least 2 hours away from Manila. In these areas, livestock such as pigs and goats are carried out at each household, and fruit trees such as bananas and rambutans are also used in areas along the main road. Therefore, the circumstance looks like that plants, animals and people are very close to each other in ordinary life.
While it looks like that the lack of awareness regarding hygiene and environmental considerations is endangering their life little by little.
The high circulation ability of the land is attractive, so we guessed that we would be able to achieve an ideal cultivation cycle if we get closer to it. But the reality was not so easy…
About ideal activities (desired goals):
- 世界基準に達したオーガニック野菜の生産、畜産環境の構築、その価値が認められる販路の確保
Production of organic vegetables that have reached global standards, construction of a livestock environment, and securing sales channels that are recognized for their value.
It is a blasphemy to the spirit and a betrayal of the purpose to wear only the good sound of the word “organic” on the surface and to pass the thing that does not actually reach the standard at all. However, there is a reality that some of the pesticides and fertilizers are used to maintaining the status quo. In the future, we will correct this and aim to realize self-seeding and pesticide-free production and secure distribution.
- レストラン
Managing a restaurant
They will operate a restaurant that takes advantage of the harvests and livestock raised at each base. The purpose is to build a small economic system that operates within the region. They can keep an agricultural land even in areas where development is progressing, if the it will be more sustainable one. In the Philippines, people had to experience the situation of the distribution was suspended due to the effect of the covid-19. And nowadays the cultivation in each house is becoming more active, so that I think the necessity of that its value will be reviewed again that small economy system in each small areas.
- 日本とフィリピン間での相互農業/文化交流体験
Mutual exchange programs about agriculture/culture between Japan and the Philippines
By staying in a homestay style base, you can experience the culture and customs of other life and broaden your perspective. The aim is to enhance empathy and coexistence by creating an environment in which the difference between the natural environments can be felt and understood, and mutual knowledge can be provided as ideas in line with the other person. In Japan case, we also aim to function as a safe opportunity, considering the difficulties of travel due to economic disparity or the strictness of Japan’s immigration and refugee policies.
![San Miguelから異変に気づく](https://i0.wp.com/sanrix.jp/mote-jp/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/IMG_0250-e1579002127812.jpg)
現在の活動状況/Current activity status:
- 農業生産
Agricultural production
Although the production was managed in spite of being unstable, due to the eruption of the Taal volcano or the pandemic of the covid-19, local farmers are front in the hard situation now. They try to producing crops to just gain cash, or have to go to Manila to work.
- 農業体験
Farming experience
It is possible to accept in the Philippines. But it is suspended for the same reason. The development of Japanese farms is just beginning.
- 拠点滞在
Base stay
It is possible in Santo Tomas, Philippines, and in the cooperative area, Bang Kong Kahoy Valley. But it is suspended for the same reason. In the future, we will actively consider mutual acceptance from other countries and regions if Japanese farms become stable.
フィリピンでの課題/Tasks in the Philippines:
- 生産のための販売仕組みづくり
Creating a sales system for production - 世界基準に達したオーガニックの野菜、より良い畜産環境の構築
Making of organic vegetables that has reached the global standard and creating a better livestock environment
課題発生に至る過去の状況/Past situation leading to tasks:
Succeeded in producing organic vegetables and sales in Manila → Production became unstable due to troubles such as disasters and theft of watering hoses → Producing vegetables that can be cashed for life using a small amount of pesticide → This vicious circle have kept them away from the origin purpose, which to increasing the number of eco-friendly farmlands.
The customers who can buy organic vegetables with efforts are concentrated in the urban areas, and the cultivation bases are scattered from Manila over two hours. Also the local logistics system looks like not much safety and solid way to transferring the products. Still, we have tried to over the troubles by cultivate new agricultural land where has never used pesticides, or buy a car. But it is expected that it will take time to achieve the ideal
課題改善への計画/Plans to improve issues:
- 販売ルートの模索
Develop for sales routes
we have aimed to sell to the Japanese community and restaurants by taking advantage of their experiences of Japanese vegetable production. We planned to put the Japanese as an intermediary, but the covid-19 pandemic keeps traveling difficult.
We would like to try promoting education by enriching contents using Facebook and cooperating with the “next generation” and aiming for local online sales and market development.
- 世界基準に達したオーガニック、より良い畜産環境を目指す
Making crops by organic that has reached the world standard and creating better livestock environment
次の世代になり得る人たちに仕事としてMind of the Earthに関係する記事を作成してもらい、その制作を通して広く情報を集め、学び、ウェブサイトやFacebookページを情報交換の場として活用してもらう。彼らが将来的にどんな道を選ぶにしても、その情報集取能力・表現力の向上は役に立つだろうし、蓄積された情報は販売においても一助になると考えています。
It’s one of the most important things that learning what is the aim and what others are doing think necessary while keeping the current situation of reducing the use of pesticides that can be realized by themselves, and while having a broader perspective. We should consider that there were many plans that were unfinished even though it was near completion due to the priority that changed in daily life. It’s necessary that people who do the project at the area understand the importance of formulating and executing a plan from a long-term perspective. And how, it’s that using a time effectively.
This is the first small experiment. We plane to have next generation people create articles related to Mind of the Earth as work, gather information widely through their production, learn, and utilize websites and Facebook pages as places for information exchange get. No matter what path they choose in the future, it will be useful to improve their ability to collect and express information, and we believe that the accumulated information will be helpful for our community as well.
寄付のお願い/Please give a donation
Mind of the Earthでは、ご寄付をいただいた方々をゲストメンバーとして捉え、活動の有無にかかわらず、ご希望の方には寄付金の使用拠点滞在などを体験していただけるようにしたいと考えています。移動は自費となり恐縮ですが、心に留めておいていただけると幸いです。
The pandemic of covid-19 in the Philippines keep the serious situation, and they were forced severe restrictions on going out during these months. Especially, they experienced the danger of life and death of pigs in the farm of BilogBilog in the initial lockdown. Because it’s where far from the living house and the member couldn’t go to there to caring them. Also, Some of them couldn’t sell the crops for the sales channel was cut off by the same reason. the quarantine was eased now, but the price fluctuations and suspension of educational activities continue to affect the community. Also, it’s not like the crisis was gone. I think this situation will continue changing conditions. So I would like to think on what I can do by doing a backward calculation in the two-year plan and hold back the negative as much as possible.
At Mind of the Earth, we would like to consider those who made donations as guest members. So that we prepare that the plans you can experience the stay of the donation base etc. regardless of whether there is activity or not.
However, personally I am about to see the limit because I have covered everything at my own expense until now. If possible, I would appreciate a donation. Note: I’m sorry about traveling cost is at your own expense, but I hope you keep this in mind.
Please let me mail or use contact form if you would do the donation. Thank you for your cooperation.