Mind of the Earthでは、ご寄付をいただいた方々をゲストメンバーとして捉え、活動の有無にかかわらず、ご希望の方には寄付金の使用拠点滞在などを体験していただけるようにしたいと考えています。移動は自費となり恐縮ですが、心に留めておいていただけると幸いです。
The epidemic of covid-19 in the Philippines keep the serious situation, and they were forced severe restrictions on going out during these months. Especially, they experienced the danger of life and death of pigs in the farm of BilogBilog in the initial lockdown. Because it’s where far from the living house and the member couldn’t go to there to caring them. Also, Some of them couldn’t sell the crops for the sales channel was cut off by the same reason. the quarantine tine was eased now, but the price fluctuations and suspension of educational activities continue to affect the community. Also, it’s not like the crisis was gone. I think this situation will continue changing conditions. So I would like to think on what I can do by doing a backward calculation in the two-year plan and hold back the negative as much as possible.
However,personally I am about to see the limit because I have covered everything at my own expense until now. If possible, I would appreciate a donation.
At Mind of the Earth, we would like to consider those who made donations as guest members. So that we prepare that the plans you can experience the stay of the donation base etc. regardless of whether there is activity or not.
Note: I’m sorry about traveling cost is at your own expense, but I hope you keep this in mind.
Please let me mail or use contact form if you would do the donation. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please let me mail or use contact form if you would do the donation. Thank you for your cooperation.